Contact Us

Add:  Room 16A ShengQuan Building No. 28 TanJiaDu Road,Shanghai,China

Postalcode:  200063

Fax: 021-52399547-808

Tel:  021-52399547



Home>>About NetZoneSoft

NetZoneSoft Co., Ltd. Shanghai is a professional corporation which engaged in research and development and produce and market computer networking products. we provide the complete solution of products which running in Windows and Linux dual-platform. We has any number of products, become the professional providers which provide diskless system, diskless terminals, network drives and so on.


On the Chinese mainland, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and overseas have a large number of customers and partners. Our products are used widely in internet bar, education, stockjobber, office and residential area and so on. On the architecture design, interface concept and operational planning, it's expression of unique characteristics of NetZoneSoft.

Room 16A ShengQuan Building No. 28 TanJiaDu Road,Shanghai,China
Postalcode:    200063
Tel:    021-52399547,52399548,52390119
Fax:   021-52399547,52399548-808

Marketing Technical Support
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